Refer a student
Do you know someone who could benefit from our tailored learning environment? Fill in the form to refer them today, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss next steps.
If you are a young person yourself and would like to learn more about studying with In Toto Ed, you can also use the form to self-refer.
By submitting this form you consent for In Toto Ed to process and store your personal data.
How does it work?
Our referrals process is overseen by each Head of Provision, with the needs of each young person at the heart of the process.
Contact can be made with your nearest In Toto Ed provision by completing the referral form. Once completed, the Head of Provision will make contact with carers, who will be invited in for a tour and a discussion about subject options.
If we are able to meet the necessary needs, we will submit costings to the young person’s school, parent, or local authority, depending on the funding stream. Once funding is approved, we aim to enrol the young person as soon as possible.